Sunday, May 8, 2016

Thursday - Work Day 1

Allo (or Hello in Creole) blog readers! Kierra here!
So today was our first day of work. While we all knew that we would be working hard while we were here, I don’t think we were prepared for how hard we had to work today. The project we have been asked to help with is helping a family whose house is built right in the middle of where two rivers meet when it storms. This means that the rivers are slowly eating at the land where their house is built. If nothing is done, soon their house will be washed away by the rivers. So what we are going to do to help is build a wall to block the rivers from washing away their land. Today’s task?: carrying sand down a very steep hill. The sand will be used to make cement to build the wall strong. This job was so hard because we were carrying very heavy bags of sand down a very steep hill, in very hot weather. And just when you got to the bottom and were relieved, you realized you still had to climb back up the hill. However the whole team was so awesome about doing this task, and no one complained at all! Even Brenna with a healing foot, or Colin whose foot is technically supposed to be out of service. While we were doing this hot and heavy work, a large number of kids came home from school and joined us who were resting at the top. The Haitian people living in the community where we were working were so curious about us, and many of them came to watch. The kids were so happy, and they loved playing with us and just sitting with us. Just having the kids around made the work so much easier, and the joy they brought to our day was one of the things that kept us going. All in all it was a long hard day and we all came home quite tired, however the relationships that we were able to start building with the people in Meyotte was so incredible that there was no way we wont be rejuvenated to go back tomorrow.

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